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Job Hunt Tips


  • Apply for anything you might be remotely qualified for, and interested in at least a little

  • Ask 4-8 people for reference letters so that you can choose the best ones for each job type/application: employers, coworkers, professors, business professionals you’ve worked with because of work

    • Give recommenders a copy of the first job application so they have an idea of what employers are looking for, or ask them to highlight specific pieces of your skillset

    • Sending recommenders a copy of your resume is helpful as well so they have an idea of everything you’ve done, and not just what you’ve done for them

    • Ask for digital copies with their signature included as a photo with their permission to edit the address, job specifics, etc for different job apps; I ask each time before I edit to make sure they know I’ve applied for another job, or let them know I’m planning on applying for multiple jobs using the same letter

  • Keep things in a Google Drive folder so they’re easily accessible and you can easily and quickly pull together pieces for an application, no matter where you are

  • Make a list of places you’ve applied, contact information for apps, and closing dates

    • Keep a copy of the job description around too, so then you can compare it to another job to determine how/if to tailor my resume, etc

  • Tailor your resume to your job field/application

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